Kip & Co Linen Apron - Bouquet Beauty


The Kip & Co Bouquet Beauty Linen Apron is your trusty companion for culinary adventures and creative moments in the kitchen. Crafted from premium 100% French flax linen, this apron combines style, durability, and functionality for the modern home chef. This apron flourishes with splendour, featuring a summery patterned print made from fronds, hydrangeas, carnations and foxglove flowers on a creamy white base. 

100% French flax linen. 

One size only. Tie waist and front pocket. Adjustable brass hardware on neck strap for multiple length options. 

OEKO-TEX certified - so every component has been tested for harmful substances and has been deemed harmless for human health. 

Kip & Co linen aprons are made to be loved for years to come and will soften with each wash. 

Ethically made in India. 

Proudly carbon neutral.

Kip & Co - Independent and female founded.
